About the Young Professionals Programme

This is KIPPRA’s flagship programme, that has been running since 2003 and overseeing 20 to 30 graduands each year. It targets to enhance the technical competence in evidence-based policy process, build research capabilities of participants, enlighten on the scope, relationships and procedures in governance structure in both national and county level, introduce participants to economic tools of analysis and provide practical experience in the policy making process. The programme targets young persons from both public and private sector at initial stages of their career.

2022 - 2023 Graduands
Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles

To mobilize the Alumni and well-wishers to support the welfare and progress of KIPPRA and to participate in the enhancement and improvement of intellectual and material well-being of the institutes' community, including fostering close friendship and professional relations between fellow Alumni and between the Association and the institute
To be an effective partner in the realization of the goals cherished by KIPPRA and alumni.
  • Knowledge
  • Inclusivity
  • Professionalism
  • Patriotism
  • Responsiveness
  • Accountability
  • Our History

    The Young Professionals (YP) programme targets to enhance technical competence in evidence informed public policy making process through capacity development, mentorship and coaching.

    • KIPPRA Graduates
      1st Cohort
    • YP KIPPRA Expansion
      African Countries
    • Shift to virtual training
    • KIPPRA Graduates
      17th Cohort
    • KIPPRA Graduation
      21st Graduation
    • Alumni Dashboard
    1. Enhance understanding of the public policy process;
    2. Build policy research and analysis capabilities of participants through handson engagement in strengthening evidence gathering for policy advice;
    3. Enlighten on the scope, relationships and procedures in the governance
      structures for public policy process at both national and county levels;
    4. Equip participants with necessary tools for effective policy analysis; and
    5. Provide a practical experience in public policy analysis.