Martin Kabaya(President - 23/24 Cohort)
Broadening Research Perspectives Through the KIPPRA YP Program
I was privileged to be in the KIPPRA YP program 2023/24 cohort. The program offered an opportunity to learn how to use evidence in formulating public policy. As an economist, the program has shaped my way of doing research and gained experience in writing blogs where be I had two published blogs.
I also co authored a research paper on “Cyber Security in the Wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” which sheds light on the drivers of Cyber Security in the next 10 years. By application of the future foresight methodology, the research found Technology advancement and regulatory framework as the main drivers of cyber security and recommended that regular review of cyber security regulations and adoption of advanced technology will help curb the cases of cyber attacks which will ensure seamless online execution of both public and private services.
I was also privileged to serve as the Cohort President and garnered valuable experience in leadership. For any young master’s graduate, the YP program offers an opportunity to improve your research skill and give you a practical opportunity of becoming public policy researcher.
Posted By Martin Kabaya(President - 23/24 Cohort), 09 Oct 2024