2019-2020 graduation photo

YP Training Programme Begins in Earnest

December 30, 2020 0 comments Crag Admin Categories Media

The KIPPRA Young Professionals (YPs) cohort 2020/21 have undergone training on various capacity building courses which include: Governance structures in a devolved system of government; public policy process (PPMP) and currently are currently being trained on applied research methods and tools for policy analysis. The governance structures in a devolved system of government took place from 2nd to 6th November 2020. The main objective for the training was to equip the young professionals with skills and knowledge on the governance system in the country and more so how the various government structures function and coordinate in delivery of services to the public. The course covers the technical and policy aspects of governance and the complex interplay between agencies and institutions at all levels of government. The YP programme is KIPPRA’S flagship programme, which has been running since 2003 and admits 10-14 young professionals from the public and private sector for a one-year rigorous training. Among the key qualifications for admission include a master’s degree in various fields. The programme targets to enhance the technical competence in evidence-based policy process, build research capabilities of participants, enlighten on the scope, relationships and procedures in governance structure in both national and county level, introduce participants to economic tools of analysis and provide practical experience in the policy making process. To expand its reach and train more young professionals, the programme admitted 20 YPs this year, six of who were sponsored by their various organizations. In future, the Institute aims to partner with more Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, counties governments and the private sector to train more YPs and influence the policy making process in the country. Author: Grace Muriithi, Young Professional, Social Sector Department.